
Friday, December 2, 2011

Many Things to Smile About...

There's something  about children singing that puts into perspective every stressful thing in your life, you know? As I sat and watched my kids last night during their holiday concert, I smiled because I know that everything I have been feeling this past week is because I care about them a ton. My heart is in the right place, and even though it was poked at a few times, nothing will change how much I want the best for them in their little lives!


These pictures are from our afternoon show at the high school. This year the third through fifth graders got to watch the kindergarten through second graders, and vice versa! What a treat!

All ready to sing!

 At the night performance, Claire got to hand our music teachers a poinsettia.

I'm serious when I tell you these two didn't plan this...

I love it when they wear suspenders. Looking sharp, Tristin! :)

As if twin boys weren't enough, we had three girls with the same outfit, too! 

And then this morning, out of nowhere, Casey walked in with a huge smile on his face and a single rose. It was as if he knew the week I had had... :)
1. Reading - 15 mins., bring Appalachia script
2. Math - 10 mins. facts
3. Science - Project due Tuesday, Dec. 6
4. Thursday envelope


  1. A perfect ending to your week! :)


  2. Great pictures! The kiddos are so cute!

    Also, just wanted to stop by and share my new GIVEAWAY with you :)
    You can WIN a $20 Gift Card for Amazon and shop till you drop :)

    Come by & enter to WIN!

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure
