
Friday, March 16, 2012

Cup-Stacking & Volleying into Spring!

In phy. ed., students have been learning to cup-stack and to play volleyball, and today was a great day for students to put their skills to the test! It's a tradition at our school to hold a cup-stacking and volleyball tournament in the last hour of the day on the last day before Spring Break begins. For us, that day was today! Yahoo!

Class competitions were held earlier in the week to determine a cup-stacking champion from each homeroom. Devin in our room went head to head with Kraymer in Mrs. Rawinski's room. Mr. Sykes teaches our kids that even if something goes wrong in a competition, you must stick with it and finish. We were proud of Kraymer in the other fourth-grade class for winning, but we were also proud of Devin who stayed strong and finished what he started. It's nerve-wracking to get up in front of the whole school and stack cups! Both boys got medals for being the fastest fourth-graders at cup-stacking! :) You will DEFINITELY want to turn the volume down on your computer for this one!! (P.S. - Kraymer's class was sitting right under where I was taping this clip so "Go, Kraymer!" can be heard the best, but "Go, Devin!" was also heard from the back of the gym where our class was sitting, too, even though you can't hear it in this clip! I assure you both boys had cheering sections!)

After cup-stacking, it was time for the students vs. teachers volleyball tournament (my personal favorite!). Kids put their own teams together, and Mr. Sykes had them play during lunch time to determine who the top two student-champion teams were to go up against the two teacher teams this afternoon. I played in the first game, but here is a picture from the second game! (And not like it really matters, but the TEACHERS totally won both games! Woot!) :)
Have a relaxing Spring Break everyone!

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