
Friday, October 3, 2014

L.7.4 - Word-Solving Strategies: Context Clues & Other Resources

In continuation of yesterday's lesson, we reviewed the use of context clues (words before or after a difficult word) to help a reader come closer to the meaning of an unknown word. Sometimes there aren't context clues to help us or we need to confirm our inferred meaning. One way to do this is to use a dictionary. Students used to check their inferred meaning and refined their understanding with the information provided in the online dictionary. You'll see in the far right column, this student added information that may have been missing from her original guess.
 We have a word wall that will continue to grow as we read more and more into Touching Spirit Bear. We added our own meanings in red next to each vocabulary word to remind us of their definitions while we read. We start Ch. 1 on Monday!

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